Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rationale for our 4 outcomes


We believe the best way to learn a new language or skill is through practice. Rather than sending out a booklet or flyers with information, we chose to set up in house staff training for companies because people can learn more on a direct contact basis.

The content of our movie clip is scripted on a real business situation, so that our target audience can relate themselves into the story.

The modern businessman has grown an unbreakable bond with their mobile phones. Therefore, the Gesture library (plug-ins for cell phone) we created is the most effective medium to deliver our information. Every gesture is showed in motion with detailed explanation of how and when to use it.

The in-flight demonstration would be a new, entertaining yet informative medium. While people are flying to a foreign country, they will be more receptive to learn about the customs of that country.

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