Sunday, November 4, 2007

3rd research_Data Collection_French gestures

Raise your shoulders; hold up your hands, palms out; stick out your lower lip; raise your eyebrows

To indicate that you are clever or that you realize the truth faster than anyone else, tap your nose with your index finger

To let people know that they need to be quiet, raise your index finger in the air. The stern facial expression is optional.

To indicate that something is "nothing" or "worthless," make a circle with your index finger and thumb.

In order to express how delicious or wonderful something is, stretch out your fingers and thumb, touch them all together, noisily kiss your fingertips, and immediately extend your fingers, as if tossing something light into the air.

La bise or le bisou means kiss: French friends and acquaintances exchange kisses on alternating cheeks upon meeting and separating. Two people introduced by a mutual friend may also faire la bise, particularly kids and young adults.

This simple gesture is used with any kind of statement related to a phone call:
  • I'll call you
  • Call me
  • Your friend called
  • Did he call?
  • There's a call for you
  • While talking on the phone...

In order to indicate that what you are saying (the time you'll arrive, how long something will take, etc.) is just an estimate, hold out your hand, palm down and fingers spread, and wobble it back and forth.

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