Sunday, November 4, 2007

cultural gesture in text

in this section, there are some common hand gestures from Italy, France , Turkey and Greece.


What do you expect?
The tips of all fingers of one had are brought sharply together to from an upward- pointing cone. The hand can either be held motionless or be shaken more or less violently up and down, according to the degree of impatience expressed.

In Greece and Turkey: this gesture means “Good”

In Belgium and France it means “Fear”

Have you a cigarette?
The index and middle fingers are extended as though holding an invisible cigarette. For greater emphasis the fingers may be raised to the lips.

Ring up
The index finger makes a dialing movement near the ear.

Just a minute
This gesture, with the raised hand palm-forward at eye-level, calls for attention in order to add an explanation or raise an objection.

I have to go to the bathroom
For permission to leave the room at school or go to bathroom the hand is raised and held steady, with the index and middle fingers erect, at times in the form of a V.

Crossed fingers
This international gesture, used particularly by children, is made out of the interrogator’s sight (often behind the child’s back) and indicates that he does not consider himself bound by his words.

In UK: this gesture means protection or “I have had good luck”

In Turkey: this fingers cross means “break friendship”

The flat hand, palm downward, cuts rhythmically sideways against the waist at stomach level.

A drink
The index, middle, ring and little finger are curved to the shape of a glass, while the thumb, raised to the mouth, suggests the flow of liquid.

This gesture expresses approval and at the same time hearty satisfaction. It is typical of the good-natured and contented gourmet.

The hands are rubbed together, as though to warm them.

Come here
The index finger is used in an international beckoning gesture.

The back of the thumb is drawn across the cheek from ear to mouth, to indicate that the person under discussion knows the ropes.

Thumbing a lift
A gesture introduced by hitch-hikers. The arm moves parallel to the road and the thumb indicates the direction.

What a bore
The hand is tapped slowly and rhythmically against the chest to suggest a weight on stomach.T The gesture expresses boredom and weariness with something or someone who proves indigestible.

Secret liaison
The index fingers of both hands are brought sharply together and held parallel for a moment. This means that two people have reached a secret understanding, or that they meet in private.

Race can be expressed by biting the knuckle of one finger, generally the index. It is not necessary to bite it hard, the mere gesture is sufficient.

The flat hand, palm dawn wards makes a rapid, slashing movement across the throat, to suggest a blade.

The closed first is lowered slightly while the ball of the thumb and index finger are rubbed together. It may also mean” have you the money?” or “it is a question of money”

Ok (Good)
The hand is held up, with the palm facing away from the gesturer, and the thumb and forefinger touching to form a circle. The other three fingers are extended and slightly spread.

France: zero or worthless.

Turkey: butt hole

Be alert
The index finger is placed on lower eyelid, drawing it slightly downward. The meaning is: beware or remember our agreement.

In France and Greece: it means “I am alert”

The open hand is held out. Then the fingers, one at a time, beginning with the little finger are slowly closed, only the thumb remaining extended. The movement resembles that of the hand on a harp.

The index finger is laid across the lips, as if to keep them shut.

Wait a moment
The hand is kept flat as to stop the person whom we are talking to.

To write
The right hand pretends to write on the left hand.

To read
The index finger of the right hand runs across left hand as on a page.

Word of honor
The flat hand stops on the chest.

The hands are crossed at the wrists, as if they were handcuffed.

I don’t care
The hand touches the chin then moves forward.

As thin as this
The little finger is the smallest one, it means skinny.

From the position of the fingers brought together, we understand how crowded the place was.

The index fingers are pointed one against the other.

Shaking of the two hands. It is a useful gesture to congratulate somebody at a distance.

I insist
The index finger knocks rhythmically on the palm of the other hand.

The index finger points to the place where the idea is supposed to be born, namely the temple.

I have not understood
The flat hand is placed on the ear so as to hear better.

French gesture


Join your hands, place them on your shoulder, rest your cheek on them, and (optionally) close your eyes. It could means who is tired and wants to go to sleep, or who is asleep and shouldn't be woken up.

Silence (same motion as Italian “just a minute”)

To let people know that they need to be quiet, raise your index finger in the air. The stern facial expression is optional.


To indicate that you are clever or that you realize the truth faster than anyone else, tap your nose with your index finger.


To indicate that something is great, fantastic, etc., stretch out your arm, make a thumb up sign, and bring it down slightly, as if you are pounding in a nail in the air.

Disbelief (same motion as Italian “Be alert”)

To express your disbelief at what someone is telling you, use your index finger to pull down the skin under your eye.
This is equivalent to the English expression "My foot!"

To say that someone is lazy, hold out your hand, pull on an imaginary hair growing out of it


The closed first is lowered slightly while the ball of the thumb and index finger are rubbed together. It may also mean” have you the money?” or “it is a question of money”

To say that someone is boring or irritating, fold your hand and use the back of your fingers to stroke up and down your cheek

Crazy (same motion as Italian “idea”)
Tap your index finger on your forehead.

In trouble
To indicate that someone is in trouble, hold up your hand, palm facing your chest, with your fingers loose, and shake it up and down rapidly

Somebody is drunk
Make a loose fist, hold it up in front of your nose, and twist your hand (as you would rev a motorcycle) while tilting your head the other way.

I’m fed up
To indicate that you are fed up or that you've had it up to here with something, hold your hand up to your forehead as if shielding your eyes from the sun, and drag it across your forehead.

I don’t give a damn (I don’t care)
To indicate that you don't give a damn, bend your arm toward your shoulder several times, as if you are hitting your shoulder.

Let's get the hell out of here
"Let's get the hell out of here," hold your hands out, palms down, and smack one hand down onto the other

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