Sunday, October 28, 2007

Greeting Custom Around the World

It is always important to give people a good first impression, it shorten the distance between people, it is especially important for business live meeting.

there are many ways to greet another person, it depends on where you are or how well you know that person, below is part of our third research. it shows you how to greet people in different countries.

--- Press fists together and press the counterpart’s fist together.

JAPAN --- Bow from the waist.

RUSSIA --- Kiss three times, on alternate cheeks...left, right, left. This is an old tradition.

EGYPT --- Kiss three times, on alternate cheeks...left, right, left. While men will cheek kiss other men and women will cheek kiss other women, no woman of a good family would cheek kiss a man, even if it is a friend of long standing.

ITALY --- Kiss on cheek 2 or 3 times -- Just kiss in the air.

NEW ZEALAND --- When Maori people greet each other, they press their noses together. This custom is called hongi.

BOLIVIA --- The Aymara women in Bolivia says hello to a friend with a tip of her bowler hat.

ECUADOR --- An Ecuadorian woman greets her friend with medio abrazo ("half embrace") -- like a partial hug.

MEXICO --- One kiss on the cheek. (Kiss in the air to the left or right)

U.S. --- Businessmen (women) usually shake hands when meeting each other.

SOUTH AFRICA --- The Zulu of South Africa say, "Sakubona" when greeting friends.

ITALY --- In Italy, friends greet each other by saying, "Ciao."

FIJI --- Men are expected to say "oooo" when greeting their chief.

AFGHANISTAN --- It is traditional for women to be more reserved in their greetings than men. When meeting a stranger, a man will say "manda na bashi." (May you not be tired.) A Ghilzai woman will raise her hand to cover her mouth.
U.S. and EUROPE --- The High-fives originated among American college basketball players in the early 1980s. It soon spread to other sports and became fashionable among young people.

ZAMBIA --- To find your partner, nod, slightly bend knees, and shake hands, right hand extended, with left hand under right elbow.

PORTUGAL --- Bom dia means "hello" in Portuguese.

GHANA Ming-gah-bou, Ga means "hello" in Ghana.

ISRAEL --- Shalom means hello in Hebrew.

CHINA --- Some people in China just say Ni-hao-ma which means "How are you?"

TURKEY --- Merhaba means "hello."

MADAGASCAR --- People used to greet nobles by saying Tsara Va?, which meant are you well?

FRANCE --- In France, people say Bon jour (Good day) during the day and Bon soir (good evening) in the evening.

SOUTH AFRICA --- The Afikaners of South Africa say "Goeie more" in the morning, "Goeie middag' in the afternoon, and "Goeie naand" in the evening.

CYPRUS Telephone greeting --- In Cyprus, people answer the phone with "Ano" ("Yes").

CZECH REPUBLIC Telephone greeting --- In Czech Republic, people answer the phone with "Prosim:" ("Ready").

GERMANY Telephone greeting --- In Germany, people answer the phone by saying their last name.

GREECE --- In the exotic Greek language, "Kalimera" (Good morning) is said.

VIETNAM --- Hello in Vietnamese is different depending on whom you are addressing. To an older man it is "Chao ong." To an older woman it is "Chao da." To a younger man it is "Chao anh." To a younger woman it is "Chau co." To small children it is "Chao chau."

source: Hawaii Geographic Alliance
Updated: March, 1998

Business in Japan

Japan business Part 1 - Working in Japan (Pre-departure)

  • Working practices in Japan
    • Due to the strong contemporary business competition in Asia, the old concept of the 'unhurried' Japanese negotiation process is no longer applicable. Decisions are made swiftly and efficiently.
    • When arranging a business appointment, making a personal call will be more effective than sending a letter and seen as good manners.
    • Punctuality is essential in Japan; lateness is as sign of disrespect. Arriving 5 minutes prior to an appointment is good practice.
  • Structure and hierarchy in Japanese companies.
    • The strong hierarchical structure in Japanese business is reflected in the negotiation process. They begin at the executive level and continue at the middle level. However, decisions will often be made within the group.
    • Generally speaking, in business meetings the Japanese will line up in order of seniority, with the most senior person at the front and the least senior person closest to the door. In addition to this rule however, you may find that the most senior person chooses where to sit.
    • It is important to bear in mind that in contemporary Japan, even a low ranking individual can become a manager if his or her performance is good.
  • Working relationships in Japan
    • Due to the influence of Confucianism, it is important to show greater respect to the eldest members in Japanese business culture. Age and rank are strongly connected, however a change in today's business climate means that educational background and ability are often considered over age.
    • Personal space is highly valued in Japan due to the densely populated areas in which they live. Physical contact, other than a handshake, is never displayed in public.

Japan business Part 2 - Doing business in Japan

  • Business practices in Japan
    • Business in Japan cannot begin until the exchange of business cards or 'meishi' has been completed. Use both hands to present your card, which should be printed in both languages. On receiving your counterpart's business card make a show of examining it carefully before placing it on the table. It is important to deal with another's business card with care.
    • A significant part of former Japanese business protocol was gift giving. In contemporary Japanese business culture, although not expected, the gesture is still practiced and will be accepted with gratitude. However, be careful not to take too big a gift as it may be regarded as a bribe.
    • It is good business practice to engage in small talk before negotiations. Expect your Japanese counterpart to ask questions regarding your education, family and social life. More private questions are not acceptable.
    • In Japanese business protocol contracts are not necessarily final agreements or a sign that business in over. In Japan, looking after partners or clients even after business is very important. Aftercare and long-term relationships are positively encouraged.

  • Japanese business etiquette (Do's and Don'ts)
    • DO use apologies where the intention is serious and express gratitude frequently as it is considered polite in Japan.
    • DO avoid confrontation or showing negative emotions during business negations. Express opinions openly but evade direct or aggressive refusals.
    • DO greet your counterparts with the proper respect and politeness. If your counterpart bows make sure you return the gesture, which is usually performed shortly and shallowly. More often than not, a handshake is sufficient.
    • DON'T give excessive praise or encouragement to a single Japanese colleague in front of others. Remember that the group is often more important than the individual.
    • DON'T address your Japanese counterpart by their first name unless invited to do so. Use the titles 'Mr' or 'Mrs' or add 'san' to their family name; for example, Mr Hiroshima will be "Hiroshima san"
    • DON'T use large hand gestures, unusual facial expressions or dramatic movements. The Japanese do not talk with their hands.
  • * Source: CIA The World Factbook 2004